Home Marketing It’s a Wrap: Tech Marketing Trends that Impacted the Channel in 2022

It’s a Wrap: Tech Marketing Trends that Impacted the Channel in 2022

by Samantha Kalany

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

You know tech marketing basics. Create a website optimized for search engines. Produce content of value to your audience. Include calls to action (CTAs) that provide next steps like requesting a demo or downloading an e-book in exchange for completing a lead form. Place ads on the right websites, sponsor events, and nurture leads with drip campaigns.

However, is it time for you to consider a tech marketing strategy refresh?

Marketing trends, like consumer and industry trends, evolve. As a result, what worked five years ago may not produce the results you need now. Here’s a list of some of the marketing tactics that helped tech companies gain traction in 2022 – and can put you on the path to a more successful 2023.


Retargeting, aka remarketing, uses cookies to identify people who’ve visited your website. When those people are back on the web, the cookie will inform a retargeting provider which ads to show as they scroll through social media or browse participating websites.

Retargeting is effective because it gets your messaging in front of people that have shown interest in your company. Furthermore, it’s cost-effective because you pay for impressions within your audience rather than broader campaigns.

Research shows retargeting works. Invesp reports that more than 7 percent of people respond to special offers in retargeting ads, and 26 percent of customers will return to a site through retargeting. Moreover, the click-through rate for retargeted ads is about ten times higher than for display ads.


Video marketing surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Wistia’s 2022 State of Video Report, video uploads to Wistia’s platform nearly doubled during the pandemic, growing from 9 million in 2019 to 17 million in 2020. Additionally, as video creation slowed, consumption increased to 14.6 billion minutes in 2022, up 121 percent from 2019.

With your clients and prospects watching videos, making it a part of a tech marketing strategy is wise. It’s also versatile, allowing you to add a new dimension to other types of marketing. HubSpot reports that 63 percent use videos on social media, 47 post videos on their websites, 47 percent run paid ads for videos, and 36 percent use video in email campaigns.

Webinars software partnership

Like videos, webinars increased in popularity during the pandemic, and they continue to be a valuable part of a marketer’s tool chest going into 2023. ActualTech Media reports that software and technology businesses host almost 30 percent of webinars. The format works for tech companies, enabling presenters to break down complex topics into understandable points supported by visuals and allowing attendees to ask questions and get their answers in real time.

Additionally, marketers report that webinars are the most effective way to generate qualified leads. The webinar’s topic will attract people from your audience eager to learn, and when they sign up and interact during the event, you can identify names worth passing on to your sales team.

Another benefit is that webinars your audience can view on demand can continue bringing in leads after the live presentation. ActualTech Media reports that although 47 percent of webinar views occur in the first ten days, 24 percent occur within 20 days, and 10 percent within 30 days.

Case Studies

Storytelling is a growing tech marketing trend, and one way to capture a prospect’s attention is to offer them case studies and testimonials. These tech marketing tactics allow readers to put themselves in one of your customer’s shoes so they can more easily understand the value you offer.

The most compelling case studies focus on your users, their pain points, their journey to find a solution, and how they use your products. Include quantifiable results, like hours of time savings, the value of cost savings, or increases in revenues or profits for a decisive end to the story.

Product-Led Marketing

Software as a Service (SaaS) providers can let their products lift heavy marketing. Give your audience a chance to demo your product or use it during a free trial. While they have an opportunity to try the software first-hand, provide them with information on how it solves their pain points and offer support through a knowledge base or an onboarding team,

ProductLed found that most B2B SaaS companies use this tech marketing tactic, and 91 percent planned to invest more in product-led marketing in 2022. ProductLed’s research also found that 9 percent of free accounts convert to paid invoices, and products priced at less than $1K see 24 percent conversion on average.

Double Down on What Works

If you haven’t yet explored the value of retargeting, video, webinars, case studies, or product-led marketing, consider testing their importance to your company in 2023. Remember, the most effective tech marketing strategy varies from company to company, so monitor results and adapt campaigns or tactics as necessary. Then, focus your marketing investment on where you’ll see the greatest return.

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