Home Marketing B2B SaaS Marketing: 5 Dos and Don’ts

B2B SaaS Marketing: 5 Dos and Don’ts

by Samantha Kalany

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

For decades it has become much easier to create and implement new SaaS products –– and the market continues to grow more crowded. Your challenge is to not only find the best ways to get the word out about your product but to stand out among a long line of similar solutions. SaaS marketing, done right, will increase brand visibility. Consider these dos and don’ts as you build your SaaS marketing strategy.

Effective SaaS Marketing Tactics

Market from the user’s perspective: As a software developer, it’s easy to get stuck in your own bubble, focusing only on your technology. Don’t. A better approach is to identify your users’ pain points and communicate how your software solves them, whether by helping to increase revenues or profits, automate processes, or achieve other business goals. You’ll capture more attention than if you only talk tech.

  1. Market online: Most B2B buyers research solutions online before reaching out to a sales team. Make sure your website includes information that will help them make their buying decisions more quickly and easily.
  2. Optimize content for search engines:  You can create all the valuable content you want, but no one will ever see it unless you optimize it. Search engine optimization (SEO) makes your pages visible. Start with the topics your customers care about the most. Then, create content around those topics, and utilize related SEO keywords within your text. Track search engine rankings and website traffic to ensure your strategy is working.
  3. Take advantage of product-led marketing: Product-led marketing (PLM) uses your product as the main marketing channel. It typically uses free trials or freemium versions to allow a prospect to try your software and experience its value first-hand. It’s vital to have onboarding strategies in place to retain users and move them to paid versions at the end of the trial.
  4. Use social media:  A social media presence is expected for modern companies. Most of your audience is on one or more social platforms, presenting another prime opportunity to raise brand awareness. Regular posts on social media or running paid advertisements help drive traffic back to your website. It also provides an outlet for various new, interactive content such as webinars and live-streamed or pre-recorded videos.

SaaS Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Shotgun marketing: Targeting a broad audience isn’t the most effective B2B SaaS marketing approach. Your audience is much smaller and well-defined –– and investing in campaigns aimed at a more general market won’t produce healthy ROI. Instead, develop your ideal buyer persona and tailor marketing and advertising to your specific audience.
  2. Setting content and forget it:  In SaaS marketing, you must keep your web content fresh and updated. Your website should always reflect your latest release and speak to current challenges in your market. Also, keep your blog updated with recent posts. When a potential customer finds your website, make sure they’re finding information that’s relevant today.
  3. Wasting in-person event opportunities: In-person events are back, and it’s it may be worthwhile to invest in expo space for visibility and to have one-on-one time with prospects. Create a strategy to attract attendees to your table, such as giveaways, drawings, and gamification. Expos are also a place to schedule appointments for demos and share marketing content.
  4. Not keeping an eye on competitors:  Even though your software is somewhat unique, you’re still faced with plenty of competition in the market. Track what the competition offers and how they’re getting the word out about it. Then, be ready to go head-to-head with them and answer questions about how your solution is different –– and better.
  5. Not tracking marketing ROI:  A marketing strategy isn’t worthwhile unless you prove that it’s working. Whether your goal is increased website traffic, more form submissions, or a certain number of free trials for demos, it’s crucial to weigh your investment in various SaaS marketing activities against results. And if your strategy isn’t working, pivot. Also, balance paid and organic strategies. If pay-per-click isn’t getting attention, try another keyword, and if paid bylines aren’t getting eyes on your content, look for other outlets. Optimize your budget for the most effective results.

SaaS marketing takes time, attention, planning, and resources, but the payoff can be great ––if you build a strategy that works and is specific to your business. When you follow best practices and avoid costly mistakes, you’ll achieve an effective strategy, resulting in ROI that helps you keep building your business.

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