Home Marketing [eBook] Zebra Service Contracts: Why You Should Sell Them and How BlueStar Can Help

[eBook] Zebra Service Contracts: Why You Should Sell Them and How BlueStar Can Help

by admin

Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

Why Channel Partners Should Sell Services
For many channel partners, finding new avenues to generate sales revenue in the new normal can be daunting. With organizations facing a number of challenges, including reduced staffing and IT budget cuts, the ability to service and maintain their existing Zebra hardware has never been more critical. For channel partners, selling services that extend the life of purchased Zebra hardware is a great value-added sales tool that will not only benefit your customer but also your bottom line. And even better yet, this keeps you in front of your customer as their valued partner.
Overview of Services and Why Resellers Should Sell Them
Organizations struggling with unpredictable economic shifts may be putting off purchases of new equipment, which means they have existing equipment they want to keep running and are looking for solutions. This is a great sales and service opportunity to stay in front of your customers and demonstrate that you’re there to be a trusted partner. Even if they don’t buy, or buy right away, customers will eventually start buying equipment again, and when they do, your company will be top of mind. Additionally, by keeping in touch with customers, you’ll have a better idea of when a customer is ready for an equipment refresh.

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