Home Marketing What Does Your Tech Company Website Say to B2B Buyers?

What Does Your Tech Company Website Say to B2B Buyers?

by Samantha Kalany

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Have you looked at your tech company website lately? Your prospects have…

Gartner’s research reveals that B2B buyers spend 27 percent of their time on a purchase researching independently online. So, odds are, the next time you make a follow-up call, the person on the other end of the line has seen your website. Furthermore, they probably have formed some opinions about your company.

Tech Company Website Non-Negotiables

A visit to your website is often the first impression a prospect has of your company, so it’s wise to evaluate it regularly to ensure it portrays your brand accurately. All tech company websites must meet these criteria:

B2B buyers interact with dozens of websites daily but likely expect more from technology software companies (TSCs) than other companies. A tech company with an out-of-date website won’t inspire much confidence in the solutions you provide. Trends in website design come and go, making it easy for a prospect to see if yours is outdated. So, take a hard look at your website and see if it’s time for an update.

A prospect clicking through the pages of your website should leave with a thorough understanding of the products and services your business offers and the sense that you’re an expert in your market. You’ll also engage website visitors if you let them know you’re enthusiastic about providing value to your clients and helping them succeed. It’s helpful to build your website with a good understanding of your buyer personas to guide how much “tech” to include as you communicate your value proposition. Don’t create generic content. Instead, gear your website to your audience.

B2B buyers visiting your website want to find the information they need quickly and easily. A simple drop-down menu with pages that highlight your solutions can help them navigate the site. Following the same principles with your website that you use with the technology you provide, ensure you optimize user experiences and help people do what they need to in as few steps as possible

Your website may be a work of art on a PC’s screen, but are you sure it gives the same impression on a smaller screen? B2B buyers, 91 percent of whom search for products on smartphones or other devices, expect websites to be mobile-optimized. So, if your website isn’t easy to view, read, or navigate on a smartphone, the buyer may move on to the next company on the list.

Your website can be your most valuable marketing tool, enabling people to find your business organically on the internet – if your website appears in search engine results. Learn what you can about optimizing your website with content and technical SEO and building links to your site, or work with an agency that can help you strengthen your SEO strategy.

Build your website with a specific goal in mind for visitors. For example, do you want to encourage them to sign up to receive your newsletter? Schedule a demo. Download a buyer’s guide. Request a quote? Give visitors to your website the next steps they can follow to engage with your business.

Don’t overlook providing a way for prospects to get in touch with you. Some businesses merely choose to have people complete a web form, but some users won’t take the time.  Additionally, some prospects will prefer reaching out by email or phone, and providing addresses of your locations will help localize your content. Finally, give your website visitors options for contacting you, which could help capture more leads.

Valuable Features for a Tech Company Website

After you’ve ensured you have website basics covered, you need to strategize how to make your website work more effectively for your business. Some elements you should consider including are social proof or user-generated content. A Clutch survey found that 94 percent of B2B buyers have used an online review to make a buying decision, and 47 percent read at least six reviews when deciding on a purchase. Case studies, testimonials, customer logos, and other types of content that bring your customers’ voices and endorsements to your website can help tip the scales in your favor.

Another element you may want to add to your website is video content. It may be easier for a busy B2B buyer to click a video link than to pour through a list of product pages. In addition to professionally produced videos that detail your offerings, you can also showcase webinars or other video content on your site.

Businesses also take different approaches to how much product and pricing information to include on their websites. Although you want to provide B2B buyers with as much information as possible, particularly if the solutions you sell include unique features or your pricing is attractive, you are also putting that information out to competitors. Strike a balance between providing information to prospects without showing other TSCs how to compete with your business.

Another tech company website that might appeal to some B2B buyers is an “About Us” or a “Meet the Team” page. Software as a Service (SaaS) and managed service providers (MSPs) who provide services over the internet or remotely may never have face-time with their clients. Introducing your team on your website can add a more personal touch and let prospects know the people who make their technology work.

Nothing But the Best

Your website can potentially be a tremendous asset to your business and growth strategy. Commit the time and resources necessary to showcase your business and portray your brand in the best ways.

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