Home Digital Signage Digital Signage in Dispensaries

Digital Signage in Dispensaries

by Samantha Kalany

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Several states have already crossed over to the other side to participate in legal cannabis sales. Cannabis dispensaries are showcasing various oils, gummies, and other THC related products such as CBD balms, mists, and scrubs are popular amongst frequent customers. Whether through the projection of Word of Mouth (WOM) or interactive and digital displays, cannabis retailers are able to exhibit their marketing and promotional strategies through this digital solution. With technology and customer service capabilities working together, dispensaries are able to make the process as easy and stress-free as possible for those who walk through their doors. Cannabis

A Relaxing Digital Environment

Digital displays can provide an educational perspective to project some quick facts for consumers, as they are browsing through the aisles, before they make their selection. Adding a little interactivity to the game can quite literally insert fun mini-games into the application to keep consumers occupied if checkout queues are to ever grow too long.

Grocery stores, across the country, have started initiating customer-engagement campaigns through their digital signage setups as well. CannabisPlayers can scan QR code installations throughout the shop to receive helpful tips and even compete for small prizes. Retailers can also tune in their internal/external brand message by customizing a relaxing experience for their customers. How about in the form of a queuing up a chill playlist or some locally sourced artists’ work?

Managing In-Going & Out-Going

One of the hottest features that comes along with interactive digital signage is that it can integrate into that dispensary’s POS technology. Once a transaction is completed, the menu boards can be automatically updated in real-time to reflect what’s transparent within the inventory’s stock. This cuts out the need for employees to run back and forth from the back office to the front office to check availability in-store. Displays can even show specifically how many products are left in-house, to express visibility and urge shoppers to act fast, so they don’t miss out on the deal. 

The wide world of cannabis is an interesting one, due to the fact that it’s only sold legally for all purposes (medicinally and recreationally) in 10 states. Legal cannabis sales totaled out to reach 13.4 billion dollars and is projected to jump into the mid 20s (billions) by 2025. For those software developers who feel as though their customers will benefit off of cannabis-oriented digital signage software, the time is now to consider expanding your vertical offerings. To learn more about the current cannabis climate, the following publications can fill you in better: 

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