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Follow the Zebra to Opportunities

by Felicia Jordan

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VARTECH 2015 may have come and gone, but the memories and business relationships will have a lasting impact as we move into 2016 and beyond.  Each year, BlueStar put together the best show in the channel for education and business networking opportunities, and each year we are blown away by the support we receive from our vendors and partners in its execution.  We would like to recap the highlights of this year’s show, from the perspective of our Zebra Business Development Team, to serve as a reminder for those who were there and an informational asset for those unable to attend.  You’ll find a nice summary of all of Zebra’s VARTECH messaging, as well as a helpful list of links, which will give you even more insight into Zebra’s resources and their top areas for growth to focus on.  We hope you enjoy!


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