Home Thought Leadership 3 Aspects That Make a Difference in Being a Female Manager in a Male-Dominated Industry

3 Aspects That Make a Difference in Being a Female Manager in a Male-Dominated Industry

by Felicia Jordan

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

As we know the Technology Industry is male-dominated and I am one of the few female managers that works at BlueStar. After almost 3 years as the Marketing Manager for Latin America, I realize that my management style has brought benefits to my company.

I had over 18 years experience in sales and marketing before joining BlueStar but no previous experience in the Technology industry. A female manager without previous experience in the industry did lift a few eyebrows, but that was something that the Executive Management team was willing to try. I think that I brought a different style of management that differs from my male colleagues in three aspects:

I’ve heard that women have an acute sense of intuition, and I think that’s what I experienced when I noticed that even though the managers and employees in my company had good communication between them, there was still something missing: a more bonded team. I improved the bond between our team by not only paying attention to their work but also to their reactions, expressions and body language to create a better and more aligned team – we bonded more.

One of the limitations that I have seen in many managers is that when someone does not agree with them, they come out strong and defiant instead of listening and taking the opinion into consideration. I believe that women tend to listen more; they feel more empathy and encourage emotional expression. I believe that this is healthy for a team and as a manager should be well received to promote the creative environment that our business needs.

Team Consensus
I always have my own opinion on how to get a job done, but I try to get the point-of-view of the team before making a final decision. I believe that this builds trust and loyalty while working passionately together and usually brings more ideas to be shared between everyone that I may not have considered.

According to the NCWIT organization, women in technology make only up to 25% of the IT force; and in leadership positions they hold 14% of senior management positions and only 10% hold corporate officer positions.
We need to include more women in management positions because we bring a different perspective to business that can translate in to potential benefits for innovation and improving productivity.

Women in Technology (WIT) at VARTECH

WIT-logoAt VARTECH 2014 in New Orleans BlueStar will be hosting a Women in Technology meeting to discuss leadership, skill development and promote networking amongst the women of the channel. If you’re interested in attending please contact me via email and I will help you in getting registered.

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