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Blockchain: Seeking out the Ideal Developer [Part 3 of 3]

by Samantha Kalany

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Blockchain is widely being integrated into today’s software complexation, from industry to industry there is a necessity. Everyone seems to be pretty convinced of its importance, but now it’s time to inform the resellers on what types of developers to search for, and how add them to their company. Together you can do anything and overcome any obstacle!

Reseller Tip #1: Where to Look?

DeveloperYou can’t just hop on Indeed and type in “Blockchain Developer” into the search bar. It’s not that easy. They differ so much from the nine million or so Java Developer across the world. Start your search within their natural habitat. Those blockchain developers that do exist already have heaping work loads on their radar and aren’t naturally out in the world seeking additional work. That doesn’t mean they won’t be intrigued by new content to come swinging through the door. Developer

Though you’d probably feel inclined to fall to your knees and beg these developers for their time, it’s actually simpler than that. These people aren’t typical ‘9-5ers’, but will likely look for a positive work environment.

Give them that. Work with them to establish an appropriate price for their services, whether that be contracted or through a salaried wage. Keep them interested with updated opportunities and challenging projects throughout their work-week.

Though it may seem uncommon, you and your team can attend blockchain exhibitions and panels to scope out new talent. They are organized accordingly throughout the year and across the map and you can step into their world to pursue potential developer candidates.

Reseller Tip #2: What to Look For?

As the demand for blockchain technologies goes up, there will more than likely be a surge for these skills within your industry as well. As a reseller, you’ll need to know what to look for, in order to score the perfect blockchain developer to add to your team.

Establish some guidelines. You’ll need to know what you’re looking for specifically.

  • Do you want your developer to be working with you internally and on a day to day basis?
  • Do you want your developer to be a contractor and working with you on a needs-basis?

The first blockchain developers focused on the Bitcoin hype and the decentralized cryptocurrency values that followed, instead of a more traditional approach. The blockchain community is diverse in nature, and many of those individuals are working to boost our society’s achievements. When searching to fill that position, be sure to take into consideration the following skills that every Blockchain developer should possess.

  1. A Diverse Knowledge of Decentralized Applications Developer
  2. An Understanding of Blockchain Technology
  3. Extensive Understanding of Smart Contacts
  4. Previous Experience Working with Tokenization
  5. Highly Focused Attention towards Perfecting User Experience Design
  6. Mastered Time Management Skills

Blockchain Developers & You

Overall, you’ll want to align with your current workplace’s methodologies and principles. Make sure they are aligned with your needs and stay on the same page as everyone else in your organization. The ideal blockchain developer needs to be humble and realize that good things take time and staying supportive of each other will benefit each party greatly.

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