by Samantha Kalany

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Since March 2020, the technology industry business has encountered many difficulties at all levels and in particular for sales at the VARs and IVS level. Aware of challenges we are facing, it seemed essential for us to sit down and take a step back from the past 9 months. With the new measures taken by the government, actions carried out by our internal boards, end-customers’ consumption patterns changings, and the anxiety of the future, all these indicators have disrupted our habits and the way we operate. Let’s take some little time to understand all this with our President Michel Sirois, who talks about 5 key concepts to help you stay focused and keep growing your business during this pandemic.

In addition to this article, we invite you to register to our Virtual Live Event, built especially for Canadians. The BLUESTAR STAY-AT-HOME TECONNECT FEST will take place on November 19th at 1:00PM (Eastern Standard Time)

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5 key concepts that all VARs and IVS must understand before starting their new strategy during the pandemic

We are all witnesses to significant changes, but we are still wondering about the real impact on the market, especially because there is a large number of consequences, impacting the market and businesses differently. 

According to Michel Sirois, the biggest impact is the Reality Check: “I think all organizations have gone through a reality check when facing a challenge of this magnitude. What I’m seeing is market confinement, meaning that some of the strong companies just get stronger but the one that are struggling are experiencing more challenges than ever. Unfortunately, that means not everyone is going to survive this environment. In this uncertainty, the customer relationship is now more than ever, extremely important for survival and loyalty is also a key to the survival and success moving forward.”

How is the market adapting to these impacts? Some companies are getting stronger, while others are entering survival mode. We have been forced to change and restructure our company to overcome this pandemic. Our objectives are not the same anymore, so what can we do better? 

Michel Sirois: “Customer first! More than ever we have to focus on the immediate reality of the customers. Some are in a survival mode and others are overwhelmed with activities. We all need to understand this and provide insights on solutions, short term!” Michel Sirois adds: “Another trend that we are seeing is the criticality of cashflow.  This single element can have a tremendous impact on organisations.

“It appears that in the market, companies are going to re-visite their structure and the relationship they have with their customers “. – Michel Sirois –

In a pandemic-ridden world, our mission has become even more important. Aware of this new reality, we are trying our best to bring to the market, right now, as much new tools as we possibly can. 

Michel Sirois: “We have launched our COVID-19 microsite with innovative solutions that can be positioned today!   Because of the increased importance of cashflow in periods of uncertainties, we have prioritized our agility of aligning with the partners finances to ensure their viability long term We are listening to what customers have to say and paying attention to their requirements, so we align properly to maintain good business”

There are no perfect answers, but there are things we can consider to make it better or easier to handle this pandemic. We all have to face our own reality and figure out what will be best for our business. However, we have to keep in mind that our goal is to help our customers as much as we can.

Michel Sirois: “One of the critical elements I have been speaking about with my team recently is empathy. You have to have empathy! Empathy for me focusing on the VAR not on us! Clearly understanding each customers’ reality is now crucial.” “Here at BlueStar, we more than ever prioritize the fact that VARs are dealing with their end-user’s reality, and often different from one end-user to another. There is a lot of unknowns out there and our ability to really understand the business dynamics so we can provide the true needed value is paramount to BlueStar and the partner community’s success!”

We are confident that business will return, but in a different form. During this challenging time, we have to double our efforts and try to re-invent ourselves as we know it will never be the same as before. 

M.S.: “The business will never be the same! As mentioned previously this has been a true reality check for all of us. Hopefully this experience will have positively challenged our organisations, our priorities and the way we conduct business with our customers. . I truly believe that the future will be very positive for organizations that have the agility to transform and adapt. Businesses that aren’t as flexible might not survive. So, for us, as a private organization, lean enough to take quick decisions on how to address the market, the future is promising.”


“It is all about Agility, Empathy and Adapting.”

The technology industry has faced countless changes in a short period of time. It all happened suddenly, and we were all unprepared for the challenges we have had to overcome. Furthermore, this pandemic is still a source of uncertainty for many.

Michel Sirois: “our future is promising but, the dynamics of the market will remain very active. Some verticals are doing very well and will continue to do so, others may be on pause for some time. So let’s not fall into the trap where we are just looking at what’s not working but adapt our businesses to the new world out there. There are a number of phenomenal opportunities out there: Home innovations, food retailers… the list go on. We need to make appropriate choices and pick our battles moving forward.”

This pandemic has taken us back to the essential and basics of the business, servicing a customer and a need to the best of our capacity! 

Join us at the BLUESTAR STAY-AT-HOME TECONNECT FEST event on November 19, 2020, where you will have 2 high-level insights into the state of business in Canada during this pandemic. Then, several sessions on Covid solutions will be presented to you by different suppliers.

With the cancellation of VARTECH and our Regional Events, we wanted to fill this gap and offer you something relevant!

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