Home Mobility Taking Steps towards Acing your App Performance

Taking Steps towards Acing your App Performance

by Samantha Kalany

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

When it comes to growing your business, a mobile app can be an essential player in the game. You’re probably familiar with your normal smartphone apps like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but just know that you could take a tip or two from them and optimize the overall approach for your company’s app as well. AppThe Digital Revolution has been here for a while now, and if you haven’t already implemented a mobile app, then now’s the time to act on that. Before you put the pedal to the metal, be sure to note of these tips that will help you come in first place every time.

Where’s the Functionality

Though you might be self-conscious of what the User-Interface looks like, you’ll need to back-burner that task and focus on the true functionality of the app. Functionality is key. How well does it operate? Investing time and money into your app’s operating system will come in hand for the long run, especially to please the likes of the app-users.

Give the People What they Want

Users typically want an app that operates quickly and smoothly on their end, no matter what the connectivity situation looks like. Poor connectivity, through, can happen anywhere and when you least expect it. When an app crashes or holds a slow response, it’s not really received well by users.

An OS-Friendly App is a Good App

appAs of September 2019, the number of iPhone users have been tallied at around 105 million users and is predicted to surge into the new decade. On the other hand, at that same measure there are more than 102 million Android users across the country and that number is forecasted to jump as well. With this information in mind, it would be beneficial to download the app from a construction standpoint on both an iPhone and an Android device, to see if any glitches or buffering would take place in this testing period. This will help so that you can troubleshoot issues before making the app go live.

Continuing the to test the app can only do good rather than bad. Checking the quality of your app’s performances is so vital in the come-up through regression testing. What’s a regression test, you might ask? This is a testing method, which is used to test a product for modifications or any updates that are needed. Verifying that bugs have been fixed and newly added features haven’t been an issue in previous versions of the app will help you, as the developer, immensely.

When the tests have been completed, you will be able to determine its functionality. Delaying these bug fixes can actually do more harm than good. It can be expensive for your business and lead to a huge negative impact on sales. Whether you’re utilizing your company app for a large event or just the normal daily work flow, there will be a lot of planning going into that process. There is no wrong way to construct your app; you can hire a third party development company or onboard a developer onto your team, the options are endless.

BlueFletch, an Atlanta-based company, brings a lot to this side of the table. They are known for providing their development expertise, especially in terms of building mobile apps for enterprises and companies both large and small.

For more information contact your BlueStar Rep today!

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