Home Mobility How Consumer Trends Affect Mobile Computer Design

How Consumer Trends Affect Mobile Computer Design

by Felicia Jordan

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

It wasn’t long ago when purpose-built hardware was the only consideration for companies looking for mobile computers. But that all changed rapidly when consumer-grade smartphones became a viable option as a mobile computer in the enterprise world. For a moment, it seemed that the original enterprise mobile computers would be completely replaced by consumer devices decked heavy duty cases and sleds.

While there is still a demand for consumer devices, there’s been a recent shift back to original, enterprise, rugged devices. Many companies realized that the consumer devices were not able to hold up to the wear and tear of the business world, even when reinforced with the toughest cases.

But through all of this, some major changes occurred that has permanently altered how mobile computers look and operate.

Software Interface

As companies tested out the value of a consumer device, it was obvious that there was a demand for more friendly software interface options. The world was already familiar with Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android software but enterprise devices used primitive Windows operating systems that were outdated.

Having consumer devices in the enterprise world brought to light the demand for more user-friendly operating systems. Today, you’ll find that most mobile computer manufacturers offer both Windows and Android.

Software Functionality

Similar to the software interface, the functionality of the software has also been impacted. Many devices had a singular function and were often difficult to configure. End users are now demanding devices that can meet a wide variety of uses.

This includes the ability to connect into all of their systems and be easy enough for all users to handle. They want it to be just as easy to use as their personal devices.

Hardware Design

Enterprise devices were never known for their aesthetics. They were designed to do the job, not necessarily look good.

But the consumer world often thinks the other way around. This changed perspective is now infiltrated the purpose built mobile computer world.

Devices are being made much light, thinner and attractive than ever before. In many cases, they look much like the consumer devices that you and I carry every day.

Why This Is Important

More than ever, consumer trends are impacting the enterprise solutions world. From tablets to smartphones, we can all see how business grade devices are mimicking consumer devices.

As you consider what products to offer to your customers, keep in mind that they care about the look and feel of the device just as much as the function. This is a dramatic shift from the past and it isn’t going away.


So if you want to understand what the future trends will be, watch consumer products. The consumer products of today will influence what consumer devices will be in the future.

Co-contributor: Joe Easton



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