Home Point of Sale HP’s OEM Program, Ideal for BlueStar Partners

HP’s OEM Program, Ideal for BlueStar Partners

by James Korte

Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

HP offers an OEM Program that BlueStar partners can leverage to provide unique and competitive solutions. Coupled with BlueStar’s value added services such as custom configuration and solution building support, partners have an efficient way to bring integrated solutions to market.  HP_Blue_RGB_150_LG

Many OEMs have already discovered that they can reduce research and development, testing, support, and operations costs by aligning with HP. At the same time, HP’s extensive portfolio of offerings and worldwide reach give OEMs a faster path to bigger markets. HP has built a significant supply chain that delivers leading product experiences, as well as services and support that relieves OEMs of resource-intensive operational and consumer support responsibilities. In addition, OEM partners have access to discounts on demo products, co-marketing dollars, and pricing support from HP on high-profile, strategic deals.

With these advantages in play, BlueStar’s partners can team with HP to create a perfect match. “HP has global reach with a local touch,” says Brad Winterhalter, Business Development Manager at BlueStar. “They have a reputation for performance and reliability in every market segment.   For any OEM with a proprietary intellectual property, whether it’s hardware or software, there’s no better way forward than an alliance with HP.”

More information about HP’s OEM Program, including basic terms and conditions, is available at http://www.bluestarinc.com/us-en/oem.html

OEM Program Brochure

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