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Coronavirus is on everyone’s mind, as of current. Thanks to real-time maps of both the United States as a whole and the state-by-state analyses, people are monitoring this disease, now more than ever. We all watched the European and Asian nations accumulate Coronavirus cases and even lost lives, right from the comfort of our mobile devices and nightly news segments. Scientists everywhere are working to record such data and collect the appropriate algorithms that can likely forecast what’s to come in the future. AI is able to filter through and mine for specific data sets, coming from different cities, provinces, and even metropolitan areas to better understand just what makes the virus tick.
Predicting Coronavirus
From SARs to MERs and even new variations of the seasonal flu outbreak, almost all of these viruses stemmed from an animal interaction of some sort, at its origin. AI helps to predict hotspots in every new disease that pops up from time to time using Predictive Analytics. Animal Populations, Human Demographics, Cultural Practices, and Social Interactions help to further thin out that information to gather more projected results. Being proactive in prepping for such catastrophic events is essential.
Detecting Coronavirus
The sooner the outbreak is detected, the sooner one can jump on trying to both assess the potential damage and then take the essential steps towards an effective treatment plan. Scientists are mining social media threads to monitor for comments on varying symptoms, to try to gauge what’s more common in patients and those who are self-quarantining.
Machine Learning can pick any differences found in medical notes from hospitals and urgent care centers, where patients were admitted to pick up discrepancies as well. It will help to better identify when a spike or peak will take place, and to anticipate the curve flattening that follow as a result.
Formulating a Result
Statistics on the disease, human population, and even the travel patterns can rule out when and where the disease might strike first, or in some circumstances, again. To make better treatment decisions for this disease, AI can improve and accelerate the ability to create and master treatment methods as they are researched and calculated.
Since there isn’t a widely known and supported vaccine that doctors are administering left and right, so these healthcare professionals need to be mindful of the treatments they are pushing – if at all. When it comes to drug discovery, several AI-enabled vaccines have actually come to be. AI can study developing symptoms that came out of similar diseases and viruses to predict what kind of medicinal practices would be the most impactful for patients.
Recovering from Coronavirus
AI allows government and medical officials to rule with the capability to play through “What If” simulations ultimately, to measure out the severity of both the situation and if any paths were to be taken, which results would unfold in front of them.
This disease was unexpected for many, on how terribly it would impact our country and even the world, but Artificial Intelligence and its various technological helpers can benefit our world in monitoring, reacting, and acting towards better treatment plans and hopefully happier and brighter days to come.