Home IoT What is IoRT? How is it Impacting Industries?

What is IoRT? How is it Impacting Industries?

by Samantha Kalany

Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

IoRT is also known as the Internet of Robotic Things.

IoRTThis combination possesses the power to reshape the future of robotics and automation, while disrupting the scene where IoT and robotics already exist. Robots are typically decorated with a plethora of sensors and modules to help with everyday tasks in each industry.

IoRT promotes the usage of smart robots that are integrated through the Internet for performing professional processes or personal activities. From controlling manufacturing tactics to assisting in elderly homes, there is a variety of usages for these automated-bots. Robots will harbor data from sensors from a variety of sources, which can determine a course of action. This would further increase any users’ experiences, provide easier integration, and support services such as assistance and management across the network.

Oh the Places IoRT Goes…

Because of IoRT, smart devices can monitor varying types of events, transform sensor-captured data, and utilize locally-sourced data to make actionable decisions. From parking lot management to hospital care, there are varying ways to implement IoRT. Mobile robots are moving bins and parcels around warehouse floors. They can also coordinate their routes, so to not cross paths and crash into one another.

IoRT bots are also wheeling their way over into the healthcare realm, specifically assisted living environments. In any situation, there is always a need for elderly assistance, whether that be from physical nurses, doctors, or CNAs. Now, it’s been found

that robots are heading to the doctors office, but not for a check-up, but to pick up a tray and help out the staff.

IoRT, IoMT, & IIoT Oh MY!

What’s the difference between all of these parts of the Internet of Things? Robots are able to handle anticipated situations, because they are programmed to do so, while IoT, is typically only capable of handling well-defined tasks. Both IoT andRobotics depend on their surrounding sensors to understand the environment around them, crunch the data, and act responsibly.

IoRT has many intelligent qualities: 

  • The robot can sense that it’s been embedded with monitoring capabilities and can acquire sensor data from other sources.
  • The robot can analyze data from the situation it monitors, which involves edge computing capabilities.
  • The robot can control and manipulate physical objects. These physical interaction can push towards predictive maintenance and new services altogether.

Where will IoRT go next?

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