Home Government Tips on Selling Into the Government Space

Tips on Selling Into the Government Space

by James Korte

Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

works exclusively with resellers providing them with a number of value-added services, such as: Lead Generation, Marketing Databases, Research Tools, Teaming Resources, Educational Programs and Consulting Services specifically for the Government Reseller.

As we enter into key Purchasing cycles for Q2 in State and Local and Education and following on to Federal fiscal close buying seasons of Q3 one key element is consistent which is Research.  

BlueStar has the research tools utilizing FOIA “Freedom of Information Act” available for our customers.  Because the key to working in the government space is information. To get into this space, you’ve got to do your homework.

For instance, if you lose a bid, you want to see exactly what you lost by. If you win, how much did you leave on the table? Without the right information at your fingertips, you cannot get the answers you need to succeed. You have to keep sharp on your pricing, and you keep sharp by researching your customers, your potential customers, and your competition. 

Everybody seems to think that government is all about the best price, but that’s simply not the case. It’s about value as well. When you’re bidding, you bid terms, you bid services, you bid warranties, and you bid alternatives. You’ve got to know what your competition offers to be certain you are offering the best value.

Contact Peggy Lane-Welch  using the form below for more information on how you can win selling into the Government space and please take advantage of our Government 101 training:

Government 101 Training Webinar link:


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