Home Channel Trends Digital Transformation: Where is the Future of EdTech Going?

Digital Transformation: Where is the Future of EdTech Going?

by Samantha Kalany
2023 Tech Resolutions

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Digital TransformationThough it may not be too difficult to pin down, EdTech stands for Education Technology, and it is rounding third for becoming one of the largest fads of this generation. How will K-12 (and beyond) educational institutions prepare themselves for any likely transformation to come? But why should it even matter to educators? Digital transformation can look like endless opened doors with new possibilities for students to engage and learn.

Transforming Digitally

IT processes, Student Success, Campus Security, Affordability, and Student-Centered Services are just a few of the concepts that are driving Digital Transformations in the collegiate realm. Organizational transformation begins working in one department, and ‘Monkey-See-Monkey-Do’, this mass upgrade can spread like a wildfire. It matters most where team members can pitch together to embrace the movement for the better. Digital Transformation

Change vs. Transformation: Knowing the Difference

Change = Reacting to one’s immediate needs vs. Transformation = proactive, enterprise-wide steps that a workplace can take to meet those future goals. Institutions will want to implement real transformation strategies to remain in constant communications with valued-stakeholders. Heading into the collegiate world, there are several Universities focusing their Student Services practices with a flair of Artificial Intelligence. AI-enabled ticketing and communicative solutions have been tailored to satisfy students’ needs.

Georgia State University has accomplished the feat of reducing the number of students who accept an offer, but don’t follow through with enrolling in courses, by over 20 percent after implementing and utilizing an AI-enabled virtual assistant. This virtual friend keeps up with students throughout the initial application process. Applying and then following through with college is a big decision and students can contract cold feet. Through the means of saving Universities and Colleges a load of time and effort, these tools are really coming in handy. Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is ultimately inevitable and is creating a world of difference for those who come into contact with its movement. ISVs can benefit immensely off of retargeting schools and higher education institutions with likeminded offerings to promote further learning capabilities. Here are some other examples of a more modern and upgraded/transformed educational environment:

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